David Blumenshine
Kristin Chang
Sophie Collins
Mark Cugini
Joey de Jesus
Michelle Dove
Sasha Fletcher
Francesco Grisanzio
Evan Harrison
Austin Hayden
Brynne Rebele-Henry
Kamden Hilliard
Michelle Lin
Natalie Lyalin
Alex Manley
Lucian Mattison
Ines Pujos
Marcus Slease
Stacey Tran
Gale Marie Thompson
Leia Penina Wilson
CL Young
She’s got her golden girls Buick set on repeat again
I’m shooting up daisies to feel that petal-pushing ground-sprung mud wince
Her face a sexed-up mothball gasoline, the sticker you licked to stay on
Popping china we forget our frumpy cardigan British news anchor
Shot in the head careening
Bull tamers, their little skin palliated against spots of wool knit
Liquid weather, temperatures that don’t add up
Sprite dipped chocolate dough raw hard in our throats
Bette Davis was a real goddamn bitch says her mother
Nine months tops, say our crisp white men
Their stubble reminding us of Cadbury cookies
Stethoscope times, mathematical improbability
Janice is a two-headed wolf in the doorway to my Broad Street apt.
A talking sacrifice walked apple sour
The land periphery
I drop three grains of rice for the dogs to eat
My cherry blossom hands sweep up
To the places where the stars once were
We cut his belly open first for the gold
Elemental organ hands
Small nubs of thumb
And then rodents, stone on limbs
And the cityscape seascape getaway coupons
My thumb bends black on the butcher’s block
As he throws meat to the dogs
Brynne Rebele-Henry’s poetry, fiction, and visual art have appeared in The Volta, Revolver, Adroit, Souvenir, Alexandria Quarterly, PANK, and other magazines, and her work is forthcoming in So to Speak, Ping Pong, The Offending Adam, and Pine Hills Review. She was born in 1999 and won the 2015 Louise Louis/Emily F. Bourne award from the Poetry Society of America.